Negocios by junot diaz
Negocios by junot diaz

negocios by junot diaz

Diaz is smart enough to play his hand for all it’s worth. Mainstream American literature from William Bradford to Toni Morrison has always been obsessed with outsiders its Hucks and Holdens are forever duking it out with the King’s English, and writers as different as Ezra Pound, Zora Neale Hurston and Donald Barthelme have delighted in defiling the pure well with highbrow imports, nonstandard vernacular and Rube Goldberg coinages. Diaz is worried about as a writer, he’s been dealt an ace. “The young Dominican-American writer Junot Diaz begins his first collection of stories with an epigraph from the Cuban poet Gustavo Perez Firmat to the effect that writing in English ‘already falsifies what I / wanted to tell you.’ For readers with a taste for paradox, it makes an enticing invitation.

Negocios by junot diaz